This course offers an overview of the child and youth safeguarding approach implemented within SOS Children’s Villages. The course places particular emphasis on the following subjects:

  • Fundamental principles of the comprehensive child and youth safeguarding approach within SOS Children’s Villages
  • Roles and responsibilities of child and youth care practitioners


Upon completing this course, child and youth care practitioners should:

  • Grasp the concept of child and youth safeguarding, along with the specific roles and responsibilities that child and youth care practitioners hold in promoting child and youth safeguarding within the member association’s operations.
  • Have the ability to advance child and youth safeguarding within their area of responsibility as care professionals.
  • Be capable of recognizing various forms of child and youth abuse and comprehending methods to prevent abuse.
  • Be acquainted with the incident reporting and responding processes, especially the part played by child and youth care practitioners.


  • Child and youth care practitioners
🚩 Starts: 30/10/2023
🗂️ Modality MOOC (Self-Paced)
📅 Duration: 1.5 hours
🔑 Prerequisites: Not required
🎓 Certificate Participation certificate
🌎 Language: English