Today, the SOS Children’s Villages direct care teams and participating families throughout the Latin American and Caribbean Region are doing their best.

To accompany the support mission they have, we share a series of self-care guidelines and intervention recommendations in the voice of Pepa Horno, a psychologist and consultant at Espirales Childhood Consultancy.


Autocuidado para poder cuidar en el contexto de la emergencia sanitaria

Self-care to be able to care for others in the context of the health emergency

¿Cómo brindar seguridad desde la afectividad consciente?: La afectividad

How to provide security from conscious affectivity?

Part 1: The affectivity

¿Cómo brindar seguridad desde la afectividad consciente?: Educar desde la vivencia

How to provide security from conscious affectivity?

Part 2: Educate from experience


Autocuidado para poder cuidar a nuestros hijos e hijas en el contexto de la emergencia sanitaria

Self-care to be able to care for our sons and daughters in the context of the sanitary emergency

¿Cómo sostener la esperanza? - Promoviendo la seguridad

How to keep the hope?

Part 1: Promoting security

¿Cómo sostener la esperanza? - Sostener y acompañar

How to keep the hope?

Part 2: Support and accompany